insertMany functions

Another surprise of Lesan is the use of insertMany while all relationships can be embedded correctly. Consider the following example:

const addCitiesValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object({
      multiCities: array(object(countryCityPure)),
      country: objectIdValidation,
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("city", 1),
const addCities: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const { country, multiCities } = body.details.set;

  return await cities.insertMany({
    docs: multiCities,
    projection: body.details.get,
    relations: {
      country: {
        _ids: new ObjectId(country),
        relatedRelations: {
          cities: true,
          citiesByPopulation: true,
          capital: false,
  schema: "city",
  actName: "addCities",
  validator: addCitiesValidator(),
  fn: addCities,

There are two important points in the above code:

  • The multiCities input is an array of pure city field objects. Therefore, it must have the following value:

    "multiCities": [
        "name": "Beirout",
        "abb": "BI",
        "population": 20000000
        "name": "Baalbak",
        "abb": "BA",
        "population": 850000

    The beautiful thing here is that before the addCities function is executed, all data, including multiCities, is validated. This feature allows us to validate the wrong data before sending any command to the database.

  • The second point is that we explicitly set the capital relation in the city relatedRelation to false. Because we do not know which city is going to be chosen as the capital. In general, one-to-one relations in insertMany should always be false because they destroy the concept of insertMany and cause its relatedRelations to be updated once for every new document that is added, which is usually wrong.

Pay attention that all changes are sent to the database with an aggregation pipeline.

You can find full example here and test the insertMany method in local computer.

bfore execut maincityaddCities: insertMany-before-execut-City

executing maincityaddCities: insertMany-executing-City

after execut maincityaddCities: insertMany-after-execut-City

Let us use insertMany to add users:

const addUsersValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object({
      multiUsers: array(object()),
      country: objectIdValidation,
      livedCities: array(objectIdValidation),
      lovedCity: objectIdValidation,
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("user", 1),
const addUsers: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const { country, multiUsers, livedCities, lovedCity } = body.details.set;
  const obIdLivedCities = string) => new ObjectId(lp));

  return await users.insertMany({
    docs: multiUsers,
    projection: body.details.get,
    relations: {
      country: {
        _ids: new ObjectId(country),
        relatedRelations: {
          users: true,
      livedCities: {
        _ids: obIdLivedCities,
        relatedRelations: {
          users: true,
      mostLovedCity: {
        _ids: new ObjectId(lovedCity),
        relatedRelations: {
          lovedByUser: true,
  schema: "user",
  actName: "addUsers",
  validator: addUsersValidator(),
  fn: addUsers,

In the code above, there are almost all types of relationships that we can use in insertMany.

  • There is a one-to-many relationship between users and countries, that is, the country field receives an ID, and after finding the relevant country, its pure fields are stored in the user. On the country side, in two multiple lists, the user is stored once with ID sorted from last to first(users field) and once with age sorted from oldest to youngest(usersByAge).

  • Also, users have a many-to-many relationship with the cities they have lived in and receive a set of city IDs, and after finding those cities, the pure fields of each one are stored in an array called livedCities.On the city side, the pure fields of the entered users are stored in the users field for each city.

  • The user has another relationship with the city, which is a one-to-many relationship. In this way, the user saves the city he likes the most in the mostLovedCity field. And on the city side, the list of entered users is stored in the field of lovedByUser.

bfore execut mainuseraddUsers: insertMany-user-before

executing mainuseraddUsers: insertMany-user-executing

after execut mainuseraddUsers:

Pay attention that all changes are sent to the database with an aggregation pipeline.

You can find full example here and test the insertMany method in local computer.

The implementation of insertMany for the country is also very simple because no relationship is needed to create the countries, we will leave the implementation of this part of the code to you.
If you want to see a real insertMany code, you can see the code implemented for the benchmark here.
The interesting thing is that due to the correct definition of the relationship in Lesan, the implementation of the benchmark code with insertMany was very simple, while this task was a bit complicated in the rest of the platforms.
Also, the time spent for entering data in Lesan is interesting, because this time is very short due to insertMany.