Getting started

I copy this simple example from installation page. We will keep this file as mod.ts and continue to add various models and functions to it.

import { lesan, MongoClient } from ""; // Please replace `x.x.x` with the latest version in [releases](

const coreApp = lesan();

const client = await new MongoClient("mongodb://").connect();

const db = client.db("dbName"); // change dbName to the appropriate name for your project.


coreApp.runServer({ port: 1366, typeGeneration: false, playground: true });

Please replace x.x.x in the import link with the latest version in releases

Add New Model

For adding a new model we should call newModel function from coreApp.odm. Lets add a country model, please add the following code before coreApp.runServer:

const countryPure = {
  name: string(),
  population: number(),
  abb: string(),

const countryRelations = {};

const countries = coreApp.odm.newModel(

We also need to import string and number from lesan. These are validators exported from Superstruct. We use Superstruct to define models and validate function inputs and some other things.

The newModel function accepts three inputs:

  • The first input is to define the name of the new model.
  • The second input is to define the pure fields of that model in the database. For this, we use an object whose keys are the names of each of the fields, and the value of these keys is obtained by one of the functions exported from Superstruct.
  • The third input is to define the relationship between models. Because we have just one model here, we pass an empty object for that. We will read more about this later.

Finally, the newModel function returns an object that has services such as insertOne, insertMany, updateOne, deleteOne, and so on.

Add an access point

Every model needs at least one act as an access point to communicate and send or receive data. For adding an act to countries please add the following code before coreApp.runServer:

const addCountryValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(countryPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", 1),

const addCountry: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const { name, population, abb } = body.details.set;
  return await countries.insertOne({
    doc: {
    projection: body.details.get,

  schema: "country",
  actName: "addCountry",
  validator: addCountryValidator(),
  fn: addCountry,

We need to import object function ActFn type from lesan

The setAct function

As you can see, to add an act to country, we need to use the setAct function in coreApp.acts. This function receives an object as input that has the following keys:

  • schema is the name of the model to which we want to set an action.
  • actName is just a simple string to identify the act.
  • fn is the function we call when a request arrives for it.
  • validator is a superstruct object which is called before calling the act fn and validating the given data. Validator includes set and get objects.
  • An optional key named validationRunType that receives the values of assert and create and determines the type of validator run so that we can create data or change previous data during validation. You can read about it here.
  • There is another optional key called preAct which receives an array of functions. These functions are executed in the order of the array index before the execution of the main endpoint function. With these functions, we can store information in the context and use it in the main function, or not allow the main function to be executed. We mostly use this key for authorization and authentication. You can think of that key as middleware in Express.
  • Like preAct, there is another optional key called preValidation. which, like preAct, receives an array of functions and executes them in order before executing the validation function.

There is a context inside Lesan, which is available by contextFns.getContextModel() function. And we can share information between the functions of an Act like preAct, preValidation, validator and fn through this context. By default, the body and header of each request are available in this context.

In addition, the fn function receives an input called body, which is the body of the sent request. If we have changed the body in the context. The body entered in fn function will be updated and changed.

The Validator function

In the addCountryValidator function that we wrote for the validator key, we have returned the object function from the Superstruct struct.
This object contains two key:

  • set: It is an object in which we define the required input information for each function available on the client side. In the desired function, we can get the set object information from this address. body.details.set. Note that this object must be of Superstruct object function type.
  • get: This key is also a Superstruct object, where we specify what data can be sent to the client. This object is used in such a way that the client can specify what data he needs with values of 0 or 1 for each key. Actually, this object can be like this:
    get: object({
      name: enums([0, 1]),
      population: enums([0, 1]),
      abb: enums([0, 1]),
    But as you can see, we have used selectStruct function of coreApp.schemas.selectStruct. This function has two inputs. The first input is the name of the model for which we want to generate this object, and the second input specifies the degree of penetration into each relationship. The second input of the selectStruct function can be entered as a number or an object. If entered as an object, the keys of this object must be the names of the selected model relationships, and its value can again be a number or an object of its key relationships. Such as:
      get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", {
          provinces: {
            cities: 1
          createdBy: 2,
            posts: 1
    As a result, an object will be produced as follows:
    get: object({
      name: enums([0, 1]),
      population: enums([0, 1]),
      abb: enums([0, 1]),
      provinces: object({
        name: enums([0, 1]),
        population: enums([0, 1]),
        abb: enums([0, 1]),
        cities: object({
          name: enums([0, 1]),
          population: enums([0, 1]),
          abb: enums([0, 1]),
      createdBy: object({
        name: enums([0, 1]),
        family: enums([0, 1]),
        email: enums([0, 1]),
        livedCity: object({
          name: enums([0, 1]),
          population: enums([0, 1]),
          abb: enums([0, 1]),
          province: object({
            name: enums([0, 1]),
            population: enums([0, 1]),
            abb: enums([0, 1]),
        posts: object({
          title: enums([0, 1]),
          description: enums([0, 1]),
          photo: enums([0, 1]),
          auther: object({
            name: enums([0, 1]),
            family: enums([0, 1]),
            email: enums([0, 1]),
      users: object({
        name: enums([0, 1]),
        family: enums([0, 1]),
        email: enums([0, 1]),
        post: object({
          title: enums([0, 1]),
          description: enums([0, 1]),
          photo: enums([0, 1]),
    We directly send the data received from the get key as a projection to MongoDB.

The fn function

The fn key receives the main act function, we write this function for that:

const addCountry: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const { name, population, abb } = body.details.set;
  return await countries.insertOne({
    doc: {
    projection: body.details.get,

This function receives an input called body, the body of the request sent from the client side is passed to it when this function is called, as a result, we have access to the information sent by users. The request body sent from the client side should be a JSON like this:

  "service": "main",
  "model": "country",
  "act": "addCountry",
  "details": {
    "set": {
      "name": "Iran",
      "population": 85000000,
      "abb": "IR"
    "get": {
      "_id": 1,
      "name": 1,
      "population": 1,
      "abb": 1
  • The service key is used to select one of the microservices set on the application. You can read more about this here.
  • The model key is used to select one of the Models added to the application.
  • The act key is used to select one of the Acts added to the application.
  • The details key is used to receive data to be sent from the client side along with data to be delivered to users. This key has two internal keys called get and set, we talked a little about it before.
    • set: It contains the information we need in the Act function. For this reason, we can extract name, population, and abb from within body.details.set.
    • get: Contains selected information that the user needs to be returned. Therefore, we can pass this object directly to Mongo projection.

As you can see, we have used the insertOne function, which was exported from the countries model, to add a new document. This function accepts an object as input, which has the following keys:

  doc: OptionalUnlessRequiredId<InferPureFieldsType>;
  relations?: TInsertRelations<TR>;
  options?: InsertOptions;
  projection?: Projection;
  • The doc key receives an object of the pure values of the selected model. OptionalUnlessRequiredId type is the document type in the official MongoDB driver. You can read about it here.
  • The relations key receives an object from the relations of this model. There is no relationship here. We will read about this in the next section.
  • The options key gets the official MongoDB driver options to insertOne. You can read more about this here
  • The projection key is used to receive written data. We use native projection in MangoDB. You can read MongoDB's own documentation here. In insertOne, you can only penetrate one step in relationships. Here you can get only pure fields because there is no relation. We will read more about this later.

The code

So this is all the code we've written so far (You can also see and download this code from here):

import {
} from ""; // Please replace `x.x.x` with the latest version in [releases](

const coreApp = lesan();

const client = await new MongoClient("mongodb://").connect();

const db = client.db("dbName"); // change dbName to the appropriate name for your project.


const countryPure = {
  name: string(),
  population: number(),
  abb: string(),

const countryRelations = {};

const countries = coreApp.odm.newModel(

const addCountryValidator = () => {
  return object({
    set: object(countryPure),
    get: coreApp.schemas.selectStruct("country", { users: 1 }),

const addCountry: ActFn = async (body) => {
  const { name, population, abb } = body.details.set;
  return await countries.insertOne({
    doc: {
    projection: body.details.get,

  schema: "country",
  actName: "addCountry",
  validator: addCountryValidator(),
  fn: addCountry,

coreApp.runServer({ port: 1366, typeGeneration: false, playground: true });

Please replace x.x.x in the import link with the latest version in releases

Run Server function

The last thing we want to talk about is the coreApp.runServer function, this function receives an object input that has the following keys:

  • port used to specify the port used to run the server.
  • polyground that receives a Boolean value that specifies whether the Polyground is available at http://{server-address}:{port}/playground address.
  • typeGeneration, which receives a Boolean value and creates a folder named declarations, and inside it, the typefaces of the program are generated to be used in various cases, we will read more about this later.
  • staticPath that receives an array of paths as a string and makes the content inside these paths statically serveable. We will read more about this later.
  • cors which receives either the * value or an array of URLs as a string, and makes these addresses have the ability to communicate with the server and not receive the cors error.

Running App

Now you can run deno run -A mod.ts for running the Application with deno

You can use playground: Screen Shot 1402-07-30 at 11 17 19 Or postman: Screen Shot 1402-07-30 at 11 35 40

To send a post request to http://localhost:1366/lesan with this request body:

  "service": "main",
  "model": "country",
  "act": "addCountry",
  "details": {
    "set": {
      "name": "Iran",
      "population": 85000000,
      "abb": "IR"
    "get": {
      "_id": 1,
      "name": 1,
      "population": 1,
      "abb": 1

For inserting a new country.

You shuold get this result:

  "body": {
    "_id": "6534d7c6c5dec0be8e7bf751",
    "name": "Iran",
    "population": 85000000,
    "abb": "IR"
  "success": true

Add E2E Test

For adding addCountry request to E2E section you should click on the E2E button, like below picture.

e2e sequence

Then, when you go to the E2E section, you can see 2 sequense that first one is the default sequence that you should delete that. so, you have one sequence that include your request information(like bottom picture).

e2e sequence